Each piece of furniture, each chosen shade of color, each decorative detail represents a personal touch that transforms the dwelling into a space where you can truly call “home”.
Explorăm valorile și viziunile noastre în design și arhitectură, împărtășim experiențele și provocările anterioare. Acest proces ne ajută să stabilim o bază solidă pentru colaborarea noastră și să construim o relație de respect și încredere reciprocă.
Haide sa explorăm concepte de design, discutăm despre tendințe emergente și ne împărtășim opiniile și gândurile despre proiectele viitoare. Aceasta este ocazia perfectă pentru a înțelege nevoile și dorințele clienților noștri și pentru a identifica cele mai potrivite soluții de design.
Scopul nostru este să creăm un canal de lucru eficient și productiv, unul care să permită fiecărei părți să livreze 100% din talentul și experiența pe care o are. Avem încredere în succesul parteneriatului nostru și suntem gata să ne adaptăm pentru a ne asigura că ambele părți sunt mulțumite.
Construim locuințe care nu sunt doar plăcute din punct de vedere estetic și funcțional, dar care și îmbunătățesc calitatea vieții celor care le locuiesc, oferindu-le o experiență unică zi de zi. Haide să le oferim clienților cel mai relaxant proces de colaborare pentru amenajarea propriei locuințe.
Explorăm valorile și viziunile noastre în design și arhitectură, împărtășim experiențele și provocările anterioare. Acest proces ne ajută să stabilim o bază solidă pentru colaborarea noastră și să construim o relație de respect și încredere reciprocă.
Haide sa explorăm concepte de design, discutăm despre tendințe emergente și ne împărtășim opiniile și gândurile despre proiectele viitoare. Aceasta este ocazia perfectă pentru a înțelege nevoile și dorințele clienților noștri și pentru a identifica cele mai potrivite soluții de design.
Scopul nostru este să creăm un canal de lucru eficient și productiv, unul care să permită fiecărei părți să livreze 100% din talentul și experiența pe care o are. Avem încredere în succesul parteneriatului nostru și suntem gata să ne adaptăm pentru a ne asigura că ambele părți sunt mulțumite.
Every element in this residence has a well-defined purpose, contributing to the creation of a remarkable atmosphere while offering impeccable functionality.
In the bathroom, attention is drawn to a generous bathtub that serves as a perfect place for relaxation and pampering. However, the absolute star is the accent wall situated behind the tub, entirely made of epoxy resin that portrays the image of a shore where turquoise-blue waves crash against the coast.
The refined color scheme facilitates a constant state of calm and incorporates a sense of relaxation and tranquility, delicately complementing every corner of the young family’s home with whom we collaborated.
The story of arranging this living room with an extra-generous surface area is simple: we played with proportions, respected basic design principles, and proposed ingenious solutions to fully utilize the available space.
A chandelier with a spiraled silhouette captures the eyes of all guests and adds an impressive aspect inside the residence, subtly blending classic and modern.
Surrounded by an elegant wooden cladding, the area adds a warm and natural air to the room. The marble countertop, together with the carefully selected wallpaper, emanates an unmistakable sense of elegance and refinement.
În ciuda agitației urbane specifice acestei zone, clientul nostru a căutat un sanctuar de pace, confort și liniște, un loc unde să se bucure de priveliștilea spectaculoasă de care beneficiază apartamentul.
The owners wanted a smart home, equipped with luxury items and a layout giving a special impression of spaciousness to enjoy a pleasant home experience.
The goal from the beginning was to create an immersive experience that allows the expression of the beneficiaries’ style and personality through their new apartment. We understand that no detail is too small when it comes to creating a space that feels like home, so we invite you to discover and analyze our approach to this project.
Every element in this residence has a well-defined purpose, contributing to the creation of a remarkable atmosphere while offering impeccable functionality.
In the bathroom, attention is drawn to a generous bathtub that serves as a perfect place for relaxation and pampering. However, the absolute star is the accent wall situated behind the tub, entirely made of epoxy resin that portrays the image of a shore where turquoise-blue waves crash against the coast.
The refined color scheme facilitates a constant state of calm and incorporates a sense of relaxation and tranquility, delicately complementing every corner of the young family’s home with whom we collaborated.
The story of arranging this living room with an extra-generous surface area is simple: we played with proportions, respected basic design principles, and proposed ingenious solutions to fully utilize the available space.
A chandelier with a spiraled silhouette captures the eyes of all guests and adds an impressive aspect inside the residence, subtly blending classic and modern.
Surrounded by an elegant wooden cladding, the area adds a warm and natural air to the room. The marble countertop, together with the carefully selected wallpaper, emanates an unmistakable sense of elegance and refinement.
În ciuda agitației urbane specifice acestei zone, clientul nostru a căutat un sanctuar de pace, confort și liniște, un loc unde să se bucure de priveliștilea spectaculoasă de care beneficiază apartamentul.
The owners wanted a smart home, equipped with luxury items and a layout giving a special impression of spaciousness to enjoy a pleasant home experience.
The goal from the beginning was to create an immersive experience that allows the expression of the beneficiaries’ style and personality through their new apartment. We understand that no detail is too small when it comes to creating a space that feels like home, so we invite you to discover and analyze our approach to this project.
Refresh Your Lifestyle
Rediscover the beauty and functionality of your home without major structural changes, and enjoy every morning the vision of the perfect home brought to reality.
The package can be customized according to your own budget and preferences.
Are you at the stage of decorating your new home? Discover a comprehensive approach to all the services you need to create a personalized design for you and your loved ones.
The package can be customized according to your own budget and preferences.
Ready to move
Even if you don’t have enough time to dedicate to the entire decorating process, we are with you to offer a stress-free experience.
The package can be customized according to your own budget and preferences.
Rediscover the beauty and functionality of your home without major structural changes, and enjoy every morning the vision of the perfect home brought to reality.
The package can be customized according to your own budget and preferences.
Are you at the stage of decorating your new home? Discover a comprehensive approach to all the services you need to create a personalized design for you and your loved ones.
The package can be customized according to your own budget and preferences.
Even if you don’t have enough time to dedicate to the entire decorating process, we are with you to offer a stress-free experience.
The package can be customized according to your own budget and preferences.
We strongly believe that arranging and composing a home is not just a matter of aesthetics, but rather a harmonious blend of functionality, comfort, and beauty.
In this regard, we are always looking to collaborate with people who share the same vision. We believe that integrating interior design with the dynamics of everyday life is essential in creating spaces that not only enhance the quality of days, but also fully value the technical and aesthetic characteristics of a property.
Born in the Dobrogea region, my 12-year career direction was decided in high school and consecrated by graduating from the University of Architecture in Bucharest. I developed my skills through interior design courses in London and Milan, and also gained experience through collaborating with hotel chains such as Hilton and Ramada.
For us, designing is not just about creating beautiful spaces, but also about creating remarkable experiences. We want to deeply understand everything you desire and bring to life a unique and personalized concept.
We communicate openly with you throughout all stages of the project. We want to be updated on the progress of the work and we are always available to answer questions or clarify any uncertainties.
We aim to build a relationship of trust and create an environment where clients feel comfortable expressing their ideas and concerns. Fluent and open communication allows us to respond promptly to your questions and clarify any aspect of the project.
Professionalism is the foundation of our work. We are constantly concerned with improving the quality of our services and raise all industry standards.
My 12-year career direction was consecrated by graduating from the University of Architecture in Bucharest. I developed my skills through interior design courses in London and Milan, and also gained experience through collaborating with hotel chains such as Hilton and Ramada.
Respect and integrity are essential in any collaborative relationship. We want to work with beneficiaries who honor their commitments, are honest, and transparent in all their interactions.
We support our clients throughout the entire project: from the initial feasibility stage and concept establishment, to monitoring the construction site and actual implementation, all while considering your wishes and needs, the uniqueness of the space, and most importantly, the predetermined budget.
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Are you in search of a service package that offers a lucid overview of your interior design venture? Leverage our photorealistic renderings to envision the ultimate look of each room, and employ the product centralizer to place orders for every item and element depicted in the renderings crafted for your residence.
Keen on getting a quote? Just complete the adjacent form, and we will contact you within 48 hours to formulate a bespoke proposal, specifically adjusted to your interior design requirements.
Take full advantage of our all-inclusive designed services, created to cater to all your needs through a unified collaboration. This service package is purposefully crafted to provide you with extensive support and assistance in crafting your ideal space, while ensuring meticulous attention to every detail.
Interested in a quote? Simply fill out the provided form, and we will reach out to you within 48 hours to construct a personalized proposal tailored specifically to your interior design requirements.
Leverage our comprehensive furnishing services that are geared to cater to all your needs through one seamless collaboration. This service package is designed to extend complete support and assistance, enabling you to create an ideal space with minimal effort and time investment from your side.
Looking for a quote? Simply fill out the form provided, and we will get back to you within 48 hours to develop a customised proposal that aligns with your specific interior design requirements.
Each project is treated as a unique journey, a journey in which we engage with passion and dedication to create a space that reflects the personality and style of each individual.
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