We strongly believe that arranging and composing a home is not just a matter of aesthetics, but rather a harmonious blend of functionality, comfort, and beauty.
In this regard, we are always looking to collaborate with people who share the same vision. We believe that integrating interior design with the dynamics of everyday life is essential in creating spaces that not only enhance the quality of days, but also fully value the technical and aesthetic characteristics of a property.
Born in the Dobrogea region, my 12-year career direction was decided in high school and consecrated by graduating from the University of Architecture in Bucharest. I developed my skills through interior design courses in London and Milan, and also gained experience through collaborating with hotel chains such as Hilton and Ramada.
For us, designing is not just about creating beautiful spaces, but also about creating remarkable experiences. We want to deeply understand everything you desire and bring to life a unique and personalized concept.
We communicate openly with you throughout all stages of the project. We want to be updated on the progress of the work and we are always available to answer questions or clarify any uncertainties.
We aim to build a relationship of trust and create an environment where clients feel comfortable expressing their ideas and concerns. Fluent and open communication allows us to respond promptly to your questions and clarify any aspect of the project.
Professionalism is the foundation of our work. We are constantly concerned with improving the quality of our services and raise all industry standards.
My 12-year career direction was consecrated by graduating from the University of Architecture in Bucharest. I developed my skills through interior design courses in London and Milan, and also gained experience through collaborating with hotel chains such as Hilton and Ramada.
Respect and integrity are essential in any collaborative relationship. We want to work with beneficiaries who honor their commitments, are honest, and transparent in all their interactions.
Suntem alaturi de clientii nostri pe tot parcursul proiectului: de la stadiul initial de fezabilitate si stabilire concept, pana la urmarirea santierului de lucru si implementarea propriu-zisa, totul tinand cont de dorintele si nevoile dumneavoastra, de particularitatea spatiului si, mai ales, de bugetul prestabilit.
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